Aug 21Liked by Myriam

This is so beautiful! I had tears of recognition during parts of the story. It is so wonderful to actually break open the doors of the heart and allow the Divine love to burst through. It colors everything in life with ecstasy. I felt like you are a sister soul while immersed in your story. Thank you! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–

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πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’“Thank you so much!! That is exactly what it did to me, broke open the doors and allowed Divine light in!! We are all brothers & sisters! Bless you!

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Jul 25Β·edited Jul 25Liked by Myriam

Myriam, I found this bit very interesting:

"From the heart is where our authentic feelings are born, and where our guidance for an authentic life needs to emerge from, not from the logical brain! . . ."

It makes me wonder if you have read Glenda Green's account of her direct interaction with Jesus:

"Love without end. Jesus Speaks . . ." ??

If not, you will find this entrancing, I believe. I am about half through it.

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At one point in the past 20 years, I stated I had no interest in meeting or going out with any man, unless he was like Jesus! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

A few years ago my youngest daughter introduced me to the father of her work colleague, who was a former classmate of my 3rd eldest daughter, unbeknownst to us. Her father looked like a giant Jesus. He’s 6’7” and used to carry his only daughter to school in his arms, when my 3rd daughter was in primary school. I remember seeing him do this. He was so different!

We started a sweet friendship. He was in a difficult time in his life so I helped him out by feeding him, buying him some clothing and some things for his then aged and dying German Shepherd. He’s incredibly intelligent, aware of the agenda, a definite outlier, and gentle giant type, musician and poet whose life had fallen apart, like often happens to highly sensitive souls who have a hard time fitting in to our highly material and dysfunctional society. He’s living in Switzerland currently. Another man with lots of childhood and relationship traumas.

I always think, β€œThere but for the grace of God, go I.”

I’m also highly sensitive, struggle with the earthly existence, so I live in my mind and heart, feel most at home in song lyrics and beautiful music.

My father’s brother once told me that my father’s mother would’ve given the clothing off of her back to help another. She gave birth to 8 children, then adopted two underprivileged children, raised and schooled them. She set a beautiful example for me growing up. I aspire to be more like my maternal & paternal grandmothers who were my first loves, my examples of unconditional love!

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Myriam, another thing comes to mind. . . NDE's. Near Death Experiences.

Over the last 10 years or so I have read many books on these and, although never having had one, I believe that I grasp and identify with the experience these people have had. To such an extent that I really am not afraid at all of dying because of what is there on the other side. It is too much to explain but after reading these, and hearing you describe your sensitivity and feeling about Love and other humans, it is as if you have experienced or somehow, intrinsically "know" what has taken me years to understand.

So many, but one book that really sticks in my mind is Betty Eadie's book, "Embraced by the Light".

There is virtually no one I have ever spoken with about this stuff. . .

Not exactly a guy thing.

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Thank you, Brian πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’“πŸ’«I am not afraid of death and stated this several times in the past 4 years about the insane agenda. I do not wish to be a digital slave. I value liberty and freedom (same thing or not) more than anything in my life. I am a free spirit and will not be controlled. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! I am honored! Many Blessings to you and yours!

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This is my personal observation from 65 years of living. When you don’t follow your heart, especially in romantic relationships, but with anything you commit to, you end up unhappy and unfulfilled.

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I have not! I will look it up. Thank you. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’“

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Thank you! I placed it in my cart on Thrift Books early this morning. I’ve never bought anything on eBay.

I’ve been having Jesus experiences since childhood! When I took my First Holy Communion I was convinced I was the bride of Jesus. I took my Catholic upbringing very much to heart as a young child. We spent a great deal of time praying the rosary with the two grandmothers who lived with us. I sent my 4 daughters to an all girls Sacred Heart Catholic School. I had no intentions of giving them a public school education even though that’s what their father wanted. I told him β€œOver my dead body!” I’m still alive and they all graduated from that school. πŸ˜‰

This friendship/relationship w/Mr. M, feels Biblical and deeply spiritual. Definitely agape love, but much, much more than that.

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Jul 26Β·edited Jul 26Liked by Myriam

I am REALLY happy for you Myriam.

I also was brought up Catholic, 8 yrs worth. . . I was a real brat though.

Both parents were never-questioning Catholic to the bitter end. It was just not in them after so many years of the narrative.

Both of our kids(boy & girl) went to Lutheran grade school then, one went to public HS, the other Lutheran HS after we moved them both out at once from a public grade school teaching woke stuff to indoctrinate them. . . MOST folks, just left their kids in there. . .

I think you will really find this book agrees with your basic beliefs and thinking based on that one sentence. THAT is at the "heart" of it all! The simple utility of the mind but the LOVE and soul at the heart. . . You will see.

The very best to you!

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Thank you, Brian! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’“πŸ’« I have β€œLove Without Conditions” given to me by my best friend almost 20 years ago, and β€œThe Yoga of Jesus.” I look forward to reading this book and thanks so much for the recommendation! The very best to you as well. Thanks for reading my musings.

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I will be drinking a glass of wine in your honor and thinking of you tonight kiddo.

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Jul 23Liked by Myriam

This is beautiful writing of sacred experiences, Myriam. thank you for sharing your hope for life and the world. Namaste, friend. Much peace to you.

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Thank you, KellyπŸ™πŸΌπŸ’“Namaste and much peace to you, friend. πŸ•ŠοΈ

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