I just happened to be reading this from Tao Te Ching ...

“What is strongly in place cannot be uprooted

What is firmly embraced cannot slip away

So, descendents continue in the path

of their ancestors.

Cultivate virtue in yourself, and you become it.

Cultivate virtue in the family, and it abides.

Cultivate virtue in the village, and it will grow.

Cultivate virtue in the country, and it becomes abundant.

Cultivate virtue everywhere, and it will be universal.

See another person as a person.

See another family as a family.

See another village as a village.

See another country as a country.

See everything as everything.

How do i know the nature of all things?

By what is within me”.

Lao Tzu

I believe meditation is a powerful way of finding what is within us 🙏

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“It is said that when you pray, you speak to God, and when you meditate, you get answers.”...wonderful 🙏❤️

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